Specific TrainingWhiz Needs


When people request courses or training programs: Diplomas, masters, courses, etc.

Way to solve with TrainingWhiz

People access TrainingWhiz and answer a simple survey.
Specific Benefit
Approximately 80% of the courses do not achieve the results in the company. It's like saying that of every 10 employees, only 2 work and 8 receive their salary without going to work.

+ TrainingWhiz analyzes the survey and generates a forecast with the possibilities that the course has Specific Benefit, this helps HR avoid unnecessary expenses and deny or authorize an application.
When the departments request a course previously authorized or necessary according to a training plan.

Way to solve with TrainingWhiz

RH together with the department that requests the course, define objectives and answer the survey.
Specific Benefit
+ TrainingWhiz generates the guide to ensure that the development of the course, its deployment and its application in the work have results.

+ The entire organization is involved, responsibilities are delegated and learning is generated through this experience. Currently RH only imparts the course.

+ Supports the implementation of model 70-20-10.
At the time you need to develop a course, presentation or operating procedure that meets objectives.
For face-to-face or e-learning events.

Way to solve with TrainingWhiz

To create the content of the course you can copy, use templates or create the content from scratch.

The platform guides the development of the course to the fulfillment of objectives or measurement factors.

Anyone can create courses.

You can request free consulting to have the course.
Specific Benefit
+ The time for the development of the course is 80% less than in the traditional way and the process guarantees that the content is learned and applied. In the traditional way 60% of the time and effort is consumed only in the aesthetic design of the presentation and the manuals, something totally unnecessary to guarantee results at work.

+ The platform measures the duration of the content and the practices of each topic during the registration of the content; as well as the sequence of topics so that the course achieves the learning objectives in the duration of the event. The sequence of topics and learnings are rationalized and logical.

+ The creation of training materials such as presentation, manuals, instruction guides and exams; they are easily downloadable to later improve their aesthetic design.
When people are required to study an online course

Way to solve with TrainingWhiz

The platform contains a catalog of preloaded courses, the administrator only selects it.

People can self-enroll in the course.

The platform will send the messages by mail or whatsapp so that people study the course or use it at work
Specific Benefit
+ The company does not spend extra on equipment because people can use their cell phone or personal email.

+ The monitoring so that people study the course is autonomous

+ The administrator receives information on the progress of the group
When a project that combines training and operational processes is implemented

Way to solve with TrainingWhiz

On the platform, the objectives are registered and the participants are integrated.

The roles of evaluation of the implementation, level of follow-up and results metrics are assigned.
Specific Benefit
+ You can change the implementation plan and create new project steps by assigning the participants. A plan tailored to the objective is made.

+ The whole organization is involved (Supervisors, managers, managers) in the success of the course through its application.

+ The level of support of departments, conditions and processes is evaluated to ensure that learning is the one taught in the course.
To acquire knowledge, attitudes and skills through activities.

Way to solve with TrainingWhiz

People acquire the change and results that are needed through only activities.

* The catalog of basic themes will be available as of fall 2019.
Specific Benefit
+ A face-to-face or elearning course is not required. The company saves the development of the course and can change or add activities for the participants to carry it out.

+ The follow-up and support is through TrainingWhiz and people can define a person of trust (their boss, partner, etc.) to ensure follow-up and personal change.

+ You only need people to have an email.

+ There are no additional costs for participants to the process. No extra licenses.
When the company can not invest much in training but requires doing so.

Way to solve with TrainingWhiz

TrainingWhiz offers free licenses, the most complete licenses is 520 Dlls per year.

It's less than what a coffee costs per day. ($ 1.40 dlls)
Specific Benefit
+ No limit of courses.

+ In follow-up and application of course there are no extra fees for the participants.

+ It contains up to 5 extra licenses for the company.